My Teaching Style
Every student is different. I treat my students as individuals and adjust my teaching style to achieve optimal results.
I am very honest in my feedback. There is a huge difference between positive encouragement and praising for no reason. I like to stick to the former.
Technical aspects are very important: they help you express yourself in sound.
Expressing yourself is paramount to playing an instrument: without that, all that is left are physical motions, decibels, and repetitiveness.
The way you practice reflects on how much enjoyment you get from playing and how well you perform at recitals/auditions, etc… I spend a significant amount of time, especially with new students, on the art of practicing. I also spend time on teaching preparing for recitals and auditions: it is fascinating how much better the students play on stage when a conversation is being held in lessons about performance routines and ways to alleviate stress.
My main goal is to help raise individuals, who are critical thinkers, who are passionate about what they do, and who will take their love of the violin into the adulthood whether playing it professionally or as an amateur.
I am equally comfortable teaching very beginners as well as college students. I strongly believe that a good, strong foundation leads to fewer problems in the future and makes a process of music making much more enjoyable.
“Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice”